​Cigar Networkers of Milwaukee
Let's Get Lit & Connect!
What is a HERF?
You’re probably wondering what a Cigar HERF is.
Its roots are uncertain, however, some believe the word was coined back in the mid 1990′s by members of a Cigar Newsgroup - way before Cigar Forums, FaceBook, MeetUp, LinkedIn & or MySpace.
However, the basic definition of a HERF is a fancy term for “Cigar Party” or a way of saying “Let’s get together & smoke cigars” or “Let’s HERF” for short
What is a Networking HERF?
Cigar Networkers of Milwaukee is proud to present the best of a HERF combined with the best features of a Professional Networking Group.
There are no fees to attend & no silly rules to follow.
Smoking & Drinking is encouraged, if not expected, during the entire meeting.
All we ask is that you RSVP to your spot & pay for your own cigars & beverages.
On or around the 2nd or 3rd Thursday of each month, we will meet at some of Milwaukee’s finest cigar lounges, Bier Gartens & or one of our members' businesses between 6 pm & 8 pm, to get lit & connect.
There will be a simple agenda that we will follow & the group is open to women, men & even non-smokers – anyone that wants to grow their book of business & or make connections.